by cdohomebuilders | Apr 22, 2013 | Construction Projects, News
CDO Home Construction Philippines CDO Home construction Philippines is really getting bigger in CDO this time. There are different construction firms are spreading this time in the area. There are also CDO home contractors are into view of making every Cagay-anons...
by cdohomebuilders | Apr 20, 2013 | Construction Projects, News, Plans & Designs
CDO BUILDERS: House Construction Cagayan de Oro City is really getting wealthy with its real estates and construction fields. In real estates, there are varying sales personnel and brokers already. Of course, even on the field of house construction is could never be...
by cdohomebuilders | Apr 18, 2013 | Camella Communities by Vista Land
CDO HOME BUILDERS City Coverage! CDO Home Builders & Develpment Corp., is sharing to all of you this city’s update. GMA T.V. and Entertainments, has done their best to conduct a live-audition for talented kids here in the city of Golden Friendship in Cagayan...
by cdohomebuilders | Apr 14, 2013 | Construction Projects, News
CDO HOME BUILDERS – PROJECT LAWAS is now having this project update. November, 2011, Mr. & Mrs. Cheryl-Anne Lawas happened to contact me with regards of their house needs. I remember those times how this couple wanted for their family to finally own a...
by cdohomebuilders | Apr 10, 2013 | Camella Communities by Vista Land, Construction Projects, News, Private Listings (House & Lot, Buildings )
Cagayan de Oro Home Builders- CDO HOME BUILDERS Project Update For months of working so hard showing huge effort to make our daily scope of works to be done accordingly , we are now on the level of making this project we have in Montania Vista, Gran Europa to be on...